With apartments starting at € 2,500 / m², Berlin is two or three times cheaper than in Paris, London or Zurich. Booming Berlin is the capital of cheap real estate. The very attractive prices allow everyone to invest in a city that has not been hit by soaring prices like other cities in Europe, as its economic development grows every year.
More and more large international companies are settling in Berlin to reign in the center of Europe. Sony Music-BMG, Daimler-Benz, Universal, Siemens, IBM and many other innovation, high-tech, IT, and media firms have chosen Berlin to grow. Online shops and Start-up enrich this panel to make Berlin the capital of the richest country in Europe.
The economic potential of the city makes it the place of the European real estate market.
Berlin is the 3rd most visited city in Europe, behind Paris and London, but ahead of Rome, Barcelona and Madrid ...
This is due to its quality of life, the originality of its architecture and the fact that it has become a center of new trends in art and culture. The number of inhabitants grows steadily each year generating an ever-increasing demand for housing. The shift rates remain very low and even often equal to zero.
Germany has strong legal guarantees for a safe investment. The existing legal limits make the German real estate market healthy.
The tax treaty between Germany and France specifies that income from immovable property shall be taxable only in the State in which such property is situated. Your rental income in Berlin will only be taxed in Germany, allowing you to benefit from a lower tax bracket. The property tax is deferred in part on the tenant.
No CSG-CRDS applied.
Deductable linear depreciation (approximately 2% of the property value for 50 years)
On resale, exemption from tax on real estate capital gain after 10 years of detention (against 22 years in France).
So many arguments that open up strong speculative prospects.